Brand Strategy, Squarespace Web Design & Social Media Management

Start Up Strategy

Let’s get that BIG idea out of your head and lifted off into the world!

You are a problem solver and innovator. You are FULL of big ideas but may be struggling to get them off the ground. You can do anything, but not EVERYTHING.

I’m here to help.

Maybe you’re still working your 9-5 but you’re ready to take control of when and where you work and who you work with. You’ve know the business you want to start but are unsure HOW to start.

Services can include:

  • Workshopping your idea(s) to refine your business to serve the ‘right fit’ customers for YOU so you are doing profitable work that lights you up

  • Helping you identify your ideal customer and creating a customer avatar to which all strategy will be aimed to attract

  • Naming guidance - Let’s give your business a unique name that will pique the interest of your potential customers and stand the test of time. We will research your name choice to make sure it only belongs to you and get it registered so that it is all yours.

  • Launch strategy - Announce your business with a bang with intentional strategies for getting clients out of the gate


A stunning first impression was not the same thing as love at first sight. But surely it was an invitation to consider the matter.
— Lois McMaster Bujold